Saturday, October 15, 2011

Log oct 14 2011
Madcow w12 d3

This would have been my last day of Madcow but I worked out with a coworker during lunch again, and I was still taking it relatively easy on my legs. The good news is that I think all of my injuries are healed so Its probably time to start a new madcow cycle on monday.


This was my first time doing regular bench in over a month. I think it went pretty well considering we were going at a very fast pace and I still managed to do 225. My shoulder felt tight in but ok. (and it still feels fine now as i'm writing this)

1x5@160, 225, 250,275


Did Rows since I had already stuck the cleans in on wed.
It was my first time doing them in over a year so I kept it light hoping to practice my form and keep the session quick.

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