Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kicked out of Stronglifts

Welcome to my training log.

About Me:
most recently for the past 2 and a half years I had a couple of logs on stronglifts. Imagine my surprise when I went to log in to update my log and found that all un-paid memberships had been banned!

Past programs:
September 2008 started SL 5x5 - weighing ~173lbs. at ~12% bodyfat
Since I was working out with a partner who didn't do stronglifts I added other exercises like curls, flys, leg press, skull crushers, so we could work out together.

By April of 2009 I had switched to SL 3x5, now weighing 191lbs, still with added exercises whenever my training partner was with me.

I made good progress through 2009 however, I did end up injuring my shoulder trying to use too much weight over time on dumbell flys.So I deloaded and I spent the last several months of 2009 slowly getting my shoulder back into shape.

Feb 1 2010 I started SL Advanced.
by the end of April my 5x5 PRs were
Squat 290 lbs
Bench 210 lbs
Ohp 130 lbs
Deadlift 260 lbs
Cleans 150 lbs

After that I went back to SL 5x5, 3x5, 1x5 for a while since I realized that I had actually done SL Advanced too early since I could still make progress at 3x5 and 1x5.

mid 2011 my wife and I had another child. So my gym attendance was spotty for the 6 months leading up to the birth.

July 25 2011 I started Madcow 5x5 for the first time. I set up the program to match PRs in week 5
This week is my 12th week on the program.

My current PRs are:

Squat 1x2@340 lbs
Inclined bench 1x3@210 lbs
Deadlift 1x2@350 lbs
Cleans 1,1,1@200 lbs
OHP 1x1@165 lbs

My log for this week doesn't look so great since I had to go light on legs due to pain in my shin. I also switched out bench press for inclined bench due to a shoulder injury before my first day of the program.

Log oct. 10 2011
Squat 2255x5
Inc bench 1x5@105,130,160,185
Cleans 5x5@135 

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