Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Madcow cycle 2 week 2 day 3 - week 3 day 2

here are my latest logs. I meant to post sooner but Its been pretty busy with work, and halloween activities. Things are still feeling relatively easy as expected. I think today's workout session I broke a new record for completing a workout in the shortest time possible :) I even had time talk with the membership rep to put my gym membership on hold. I'm planning on switching over to a new gym. Just in case things don't work out, I'll still be able to restart my old membership at the same price I was paying before. ================= Log nov 2 2011 Madcow c2 w3 d2 Squat 1x5@155,190,230,230 Ohp 1x5@95,115,130,150 Deads 1x5@195,235,270,310 ================= Log oct 31 2011 Madcow c2 w3 d1 Squat 1x5@155,190,230,265,305 Bench 1x5@110,135,160,190,215 Cleans 1x5@90,110,130,155,175 ================== Log oct 28 2011 Madcow c2 w1 d3 Squat 1x5@150,185,220,260, 1x3@305 1x8@220 Bench 1x5@105,130,160,185, 1x3@215 1x8@160 Cleans 1x5@85,105,125,155, 1x4@170 1x8@135

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