Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Madcow c2 w3 d3

Log nov 4 2011 Madcow c2 w3 d3 So this day started off well enough. I had an early morning appointment for my physical at the Dr.'s office. During the appointment I decided to go ahead and get my flu shot. So fast forward to the evening and I was starting to feel the effects of the shot. I figured I would just push through the slight discomfort and go workout. Once I got to the gym and started doing my sets, it quickly became apparent to me that its probably not a good idea to workout on the same day as getting a flu shot. This session was probably the worst session I've had in over a year. I was so tired and dragging myself around from set to set. I know I even managed to load up the bar with different weights on each side more than once! Somehow I managed to complete everything w/o missing my reps. Once I made it home, I crashed on the couch for a few hours to try to recover. The soreness from working out combined with the aches and slight fever from the flu shot made me feel like I didn't want to move. Thank goodness by morning I felt much better. Squat 1x5@155,190,230,265, 1x3@310 1x8@230 Bench 1x5@110,135,160,190, 1x3@220 1x8@160 Cleans 1x5@90,110,130,160, 1x5@175 1x8@130

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